Concerns about our planet and an innate desire to explore more of our solar system will likely take us to other planets in the near future, which is what the Mars Explorer is designed for. Created by Daniel Chindris, the rover vehicle is designed to help easily traverse the tough red planet terrain while also packing everything needed for the journey. Various onboard sensors work to collect data, while others will help to collect environmental data in order to get a better idea of the foreign planet's terrain.
The Mars Explorer is capable of running for up to 72 hours autonomously, and features an all-electric design that ensures we don't bring our gas-burning habits with us to a new planet.
Mars Colonization Vehicles
The Mars Explorer Can Traverse the Red Planet with Ease
Trend Themes
1. Space Exploration Vehicles - Creating vehicles for space exploration will be increasingly important for countries and companies competing to be the first to colonize other planets.
2. Autonomous Operation Technologies - As missions to other planets become more common, incorporating autonomous operation technologies will become increasingly necessary for longer missions.
3. Environmental Data Collection Tools - As more planets are explored, there will be a demand for innovative tools to help better understand the unique environments of these planets.
Industry Implications
1. Space Technology - Companies in the space technology industry are in prime position to develop the latest innovations for space exploration vehicles.
2. Robotics - The robotics industry has an opportunity to develop new autonomous operation technologies that can be used in space exploration.
3. Science and Research - The science and research industry can benefit from developing new environmental data collection tools that can be used on other planets.