Homelessness-Mapping Apps

The NYC Map the Homeless App Creates a Map of Homeless Individuals

NYC Map the Homeless is an app that allows New Yorkers to take photos of homeless people and pin them to a Google map, letting other users of the app click on and view them. The app allows users to add descriptive hashtags that can inform others.

This app could be used to avoid specific homeless persons who may have a record of threatening behavior. It could also be used by volunteers and social workers -- or indeed warm-hearted regular citizens -- to address specific needs of homeless individuals.

In addition to helping skittish citizens avoid unwanted encounters and assisting the charitable in seeking out homeless people to buy a meal or coffee for or donate some old clothes to, the NYC Map the Homeless app could be used to help authorities and the public identify patterns on homelessness, which could be used to inform remedial action to reduce the city's homelessness crisis.
Trend Themes
1. Homelessness-mapping Apps - The trend of developing apps that allow users to map and locate homeless individuals.
2. User-informed Mapping - The trend of providing users with the ability to add hashtags and descriptive information to map locations.
3. Data-driven Homelessness Solutions - The trend of using data from homelessness-mapping apps to inform and implement strategies to reduce homelessness.
Industry Implications
1. Tech App Development - The app development industry can leverage this trend to create innovative solutions that address social issues.
2. Nonprofit and Social Services - Nonprofit organizations and social service agencies can benefit from using these apps for outreach and targeted assistance to homeless individuals.
3. Government and Public Policy - Government agencies and policymakers can utilize data from homelessness-mapping apps to develop effective strategies and policies to tackle homelessness.

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