These beautiful and contemplative paintings of reflected anime girls are created by Japanese artist Makoto Taniguchi.
When encountering one of Taniguchi's double-sided anime images head on, one can only witness a blurry face. It is only by viewing Taniguchi's pieces at an angle can one see the "reflection" of the pretty anime girl, and thus take in the entire piece as a whole. The blurry image is made using a grease pencil, and acrylic paint on a clear acrylic board, and the reflected image is made using the same material, but painted on a mirror instead.
When engaging with one of Makoto Taniguchi's paintings, I can't help but feel confronted by the idea of masks; the one's we wear out in the public that conceal the blurry mess that we sometimes are underneath.
Reflected Anime Paintings
Makoto Taniguchi’s Installation is a Contemplative Piece on Duality
Trend Themes
1. Reflected Art Installations - Exploring the concept of duality through reflected imagery provides opportunities for artists to create interactive and dynamic installations.
2. Anime Art - Incorporating anime characters into traditional art forms creates a new form of visual storytelling with a unique sense of whimsy and relatability.
3. Visual Perception Artwork - Playing with perception and visual illusions allows artists to experiment with new mediums and perspectives to create thought-provoking works of art.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists can experiment with combining traditional and modern mediums to create innovative works of art that engage both the viewer's visual and emotional senses.
2. Museums and Galleries - Exhibiting unique and interactive installations such as Taniguchi's can attract a wider and more diverse audience and create a memorable experience for attendees.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Creating eye-catching visual illusions and incorporating popular cultural icons such as anime characters can increase brand recognition and leave a lasting impression on consumers.