Helping designers create more sustainable shoes, Nike released the 'Making' app. Compiling years of research, the app shows designers the environmental impact of every material that they use. As a result, users of Making can choose appropriate materials and lessen their impact on the planet.
The app lets you analyze 22 different materials to choose the ones that fit best with your product. Things such as cotton, leather, silk and rayon can be inspected. Selecting a material shows you scores for environmental impact. You can see water use, chemistry, energy and waste metrics so that your end product works to keep our planet green.
Making is based on Nike's sustainability index. The sport apparel company released the app in order to help others achieve the same reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that they did.
Environment-Focused Design Apps
The 'Making' App Analyzes Your Material's Environmental Impact
Trend Themes
1. Environment-focused Design - Creating tools that help designers create more sustainable and environmentally friendly products, materials, and technologies.
2. Material Analysis Apps - Developing apps that allow designers and manufacturers to analyze and compare different materials based on their environmental impact and sustainability.
3. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction - Finding new ways and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the design and manufacturing industries, while still delivering high-quality products to consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Applying environment-focused design and material analysis tools to reduce the environmental impact of clothing production and increase sustainability.
2. Industrial Manufacturing - Developing new technologies and processes for industrial manufacturing that prioritize environmental friendliness and sustainability, such as reducing waste, water and energy usage.
3. Consumer Electronics - Designing electronics that are more environmentally friendly by creating them with recyclable or renewable materials, reducing their energy consumption, and decreasing their carbon footprint.