Campy 90s Text Generators

'Make WordArt' Lets Users Create Classic Windows 95 Graphics

In the somewhat recent past, Microsoft's WordArt was one of the only ways to add color and character to one's digital documents, and 'Make WordArt' is a program dedicated to reviving those campy, nostalgic styles. The project, created by graphic designer Mike McMillan, recreates a fairly accurate depiction of WordArt for Windows 95.

Make WordArt looks like a pared-down version of the actual WordArt application for Microsoft Word on Windows 95. Placed within a faux operating system that mimics the old computers (including the notorious Clippy character,) the program lets users select from a set of 15 different fonts inspired by the original WordArt. These include rainbow text and 3D green marble. Once a font is selected, users can enter any text they choose and Make WordArt will automatically place it on the mock document.
Trend Themes
1. Retro Design - Opportunity for companies to create new products using retro design for a nostalgic effect.
2. Nostalgia Marketing - Opportunity for companies to use nostalgia as a marketing tool to attract consumers.
3. Interactive Graphics - Opportunity for companies to develop interactive graphics and programs that mimic older technology for fun and creativity.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Graphic designers can use Make WordArt as inspiration to create new designs by incorporating campy 90s text generator elements.
2. Advertising - Companies in the advertising industry can use trend of 90s campy design to create marketing campaigns that attract consumers with nostalgia.
3. Tech Industry - Tech companies can explore the possibilities of using nostalgic design in new, innovative products or as a theme for gaming software.

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