Terror-Tracking Sleep Devices

The Lully Helps Get Rid of Night Terrors in Children

Lully is a device that prevents night terrors in young children, helping better the quality of their sleep as well as that of their family.

The Lully consists of a vibrating pod and a smartphone app. The pod is placed under the child's mattress and communicates with a smartphone via Bluetooth. It vibrates for a period of three minutes just as the child enters the phase of deep sleep during which night terrors occur. The app tracks children's sleeping patterns so parents know when to turn the Lilly on.

Since the Lully is not a full-on medical advice, it doesn't require a prescription. However, parents of children under the age of two are advised to consult a doctor before using it. The device is currently available for $129, $40 off its retail price.

With smartphones and apps being used for a wide variety of health-related applications, it's heartening to see a device being created to tackle a problem that can significantly improve quality of life.
Trend Themes
1. Health-tracking Devices - The Lully demonstrates the potential for devices that use technology to improve health and well-being.
2. Smartphone-connected Technology - The Lully showcases the opportunity for innovative products that utilize smartphone connectivity to enhance functionality and user experience.
3. Sleep-related Innovations - The Lully highlights the growing trend of developing innovative solutions to improve sleep quality and address specific sleep-related issues.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can explore the development of similar devices that use technology to address specific health concerns, such as sleep disorders.
2. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies can capitalize on the opportunity to create smartphone-connected devices that enhance users' daily lives and well-being.
3. Sleep Technology - The sleep technology industry can expand its offerings by developing innovative solutions that improve sleep quality and address common sleep-related issues.

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