Neon Traffic Light Photographs

Lucas Zimmermann Turns Street Lights into Something Interesting

German photographer Lucas Zimmermann took five to twenty second long exposure photographs of street lights in the fog near Weimar, Germany.

We see traffic lights everyday, they've become such a staple of everyday life and they have nothing of artistic value to offer, unless of course you're Lucas Zimmermann. Zimmermann has managed to take the banality of street lights and turned them into something worthy of our attention. Gone are the traditional traffic light colors of red, yellow and green, instead we get a multitude of different bright neon colors of light streaking across the sky. Each color gives the different photographs their own distinct look and feel, the white lights creates a haunting X-Files feel while the red light give off a more raver vibe.

It's clear Lucas Zimmermann is a photographer with a great eye and the ability to turn the mundane into the extraordinary.
Trend Themes
1. Long Exposure Photography - Opportunity for photographers to experiment with long exposure techniques and create unique and visually captivating images.
2. Artistic Transformations - Exploration of unexpected artistic possibilities by transforming everyday objects or scenes into visually appealing and thought-provoking works.
3. Alternate Color Display - Potential for reimagining traditional color schemes in everyday objects to create visually striking and attention-grabbing experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photographers can explore and innovate with long exposure techniques to capture mesmerizing images and attract new audiences.
2. Visual Arts - Artists and designers can find inspiration in transforming mundane objects or scenes into unique and visually captivating works.
3. Urban Design - Urban planners and designers can consider alternative color displays in public spaces to create visually engaging and memorable experiences for pedestrians and motorists.

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