Low-Paying Degree Infographics

This Infographic Reveals the Five Lowest Paying Master's Degrees

A new infographic from BestMastersPrograms.org shockingly reveals the five lowest paying master's degrees, warning potential students against pursuing academia in field that might not lead to paying off debts.

The five degrees displayed in the infographic range from music to social work. According to this infographic, those pursuing a career in these fields will be lucky to make an annual salary of $50,000 by the middle of their careers. Indeed, people who pursue a Master's in social work make an average of $37,000 per year by mid-career, while holding down high-stress jobs like substance abuse counseling and child welfare maintenance.

The infographic finishes by comparing the amount of money required to graduate from a Master's program with the amount of money generally made by students working entry level jobs, leaving readers with the serious question: Is a Master's degree worth it?
Trend Themes
1. Low-paying Master's Degrees - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing alternative higher education pathways that offer viable career prospects with greater potential for earning and career growth
Industry Implications
1. Higher Education - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in transforming the traditional higher education model with market-driven skill-based programs and apprenticeships
2. Career Counseling - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in providing career counseling services that integrate job-market trends and economic data to advise students on the highest-earning degrees and post-degree careers
3. Social Services - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in improving compensation models and job training programs for social work and substance abuse counseling to attract and retain talent and promote career advancement

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