Guarded Online Networker Charts

The 'Lives of Social Networking Site Users' Infographic is Wary

The 'Inside the Lives of Social Networking Site Users' infographic displays the average characteristics of certain types of online media sites. For instance, across the board, social media users are most likely to be between the ages of 23-35, but other popular age ranges are 36-49 and 50-65.

People who actively engage in the use of the Internet and social media sites agree that other users can be trusted; whereas only 27 percent of non-Internet users can say the same. For people whose concerns about joining a social site include a fear of becoming shut-ins, high percentages of people who joined networking sites actually went out and became more involved in activities, volunteer jobs and religious organizations.

Ultimately, this graph found that Facebook users are the most trusting for one very simple reason: most of their "friends" are people they know and have accepted into their private circle.
Trend Themes
1. Age Demographics on Social Media - Identify marketing opportunities to target specific age ranges on social media platforms.
2. Trust Levels on Social Networking Sites - Develop strategies to build trust among social media users and attract non-Internet users to join social networking sites.
3. Relationships and Trust on Facebook - Explore ways to leverage the trust factor on Facebook for targeted advertising and marketing campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Marketing - Implement targeted marketing strategies based on age demographics on social media platforms.
2. Online Trust and Security - Develop innovative solutions to enhance trust levels on social networking sites and address the concerns of non-Internet users.
3. Digital Advertising - Utilize the trust factor on Facebook to create effective advertising campaigns and build brand loyalty.

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