Kids with Rockstar Schedules

Study Links Sleep Deprivation to Childhood Obesity

A Bristol University study showed that sleep deprivation has been linked to childhood obesity. It appears that children and teens have frequently been living with rockstar schedules, and it's adversely affecting their health.

Taking a nap at 1:00 AM on the 4 train under a Belvedere vodka advertisement is about as rockstar as you can get--especially if you’re a 4 year old. Once nudged to consciousness--pulled prematurely out of their dreams of skinny dipping in sandboxes and licking rum raisin ice cream cones--it’s half-expected these youngsters will blink awake and stammer, "Hey dude, I just passed out from all that milk I drank," while weaving off the train behind Mom. 

For all those actual partygoers (ages 18 and up, of course), make sure to curb your belligerence on the ride home--there are sure to be babies on board. And girls, next time Mom yells about the dangers of riding the subway alone late at night, just tell her that all the other kids are doing it.
Trend Themes
1. Childhood Sleep Deprivation - Businesses that offer sleep solutions and services for children's sleeping needs can disrupt the industry and promote healthy sleep habits.
2. Rockstar Schedules - Companies that prioritize work-life balance and flexible scheduling can disrupt traditional work structures while promoting employee health and well-being.
3. Childhood Obesity Prevention - Businesses that offer healthy food and snack options for children can disrupt the food industry and promote healthier eating habits in kids.
Industry Implications
1. Sleep Industry - Companies that offer children's sleep products such as mattresses, bedding, and sleep aids can disrupt the industry with innovative solutions for healthy sleep.
2. Workplace Productivity Industry - Companies that offer workplace wellness programs, flexible scheduling, and remote work options can disrupt traditional work structures and promote employee health and productivity.
3. Healthy Food Industry - Companies that offer healthier snacks and meal options for kids can disrupt the food industry and promote healthier eating habits in children.

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