Light Bandages to Cure Cancer

Portable Photodynamic Therapy Makes Treatment Easier

British scientists have unveiled a glowing bandage that not only treats wounds but destroys skin cancer cells with light.

A flexible strip of plastic embedded with light-emitting diodes focuses a high-powered red light beam on tumors. When the light is absorbed by a special skin cream, cancer cells are killed.

The laser bandage allows patients to receive treatment without having to submit to hours of inactivity under lights in a clinic or hospital.

Polymertronics and Lumicure are two companies currently pursuing this general technology.

The video above gives basic information about photodynamic therapy in cosmetic applications: The principle is the same for cancer treatment.
Trend Themes
1. Wearable Photodynamic Therapy - Developing lightweight and portable light-emitting-diode devices to treat cancers and wounds.
2. Personalized Medicine - Using new technologies that enable cancer treatment outside of hospitals and clinics.
3. Nano-scale Technology in Medical Science - Incorporating nanotechnology in the development of light-activated cancer treatments.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Innovations in wearable medical devices and light-based cancer treatments provide disruptive opportunities.
2. Pharmaceutical - Collaborating with research institutions to develop personalized photodynamic therapy-based cancer treatment and wound healing products.
3. Nanotechnology - Nanotech researchers can collaborate with medical institutions to create products that use the technology in light-activated cancer treatments.

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