Contact-Free Drink Dispenser Devices

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The L-Guard System from Lancer Worldwide Enhances Cleanliness

An array of solutions to help curb the spread of pathogens are flooding the market due to the COVID-19 pandemic to help stop the spread and ease reopening procedures, which is seeing products like the L-Guard System be introduced. Developed by Lancer Worldwide, the devices work by providing hygienic protection for beverage dispensing machines by limiting the amount of contact that customers can have with the components. The first product in the range is the Valve Guard that can be easily retrofitted onto a dispenser to protect the valves, levers and beverages from contamination.

The L-Guard System products offer a glimpse into the post-COVID-19 world that will see businesses and brands alike working diligently to help support public health with smart new solutions.
Trend Themes
1. Contact-free Technology - The L-Guard System exemplifies the trend of contact-free technology, providing hygienic protection for beverage dispensing machines.
2. Pathogen Prevention - With the COVID-19 pandemic, the L-Guard System addresses the trend of pathogen prevention by limiting customer contact and reducing contamination risk.
3. Hygiene Enhancement - The L-Guard System contributes to the trend of hygiene enhancement by protecting valves, levers, and beverages from contamination.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The L-Guard System presents disruptive innovation opportunities for the food and beverage industry by offering a cleaner and safer beverage dispensing experience.
2. Hospitality - In the hospitality industry, the L-Guard System opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation by addressing hygiene concerns in beverage dispensing.
3. Public Health - The L-Guard System contributes to disruptive innovation in the public health sector by providing a solution to reduce the spread of pathogens through contact-free beverage dispensing.

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