LEGO Film Personas

These Creative LEGO Movie Characters are Made Entirely Out of Toy Blocks

This iconic toy block brand has gained popularity partially due to its versions of popular films and selling its own LEGO movie characters and sets. In fact, it was this idea that led to LEGO releasing its own LEGO movie where all the pop culture figures came together in one cinematic adventure. But gaming company CEO Rickard Frisegård in collaboration with SuckMyBrick put their own spin on this in a series called Movie Quiz.

Rather than having a single figurine made in the likeliness of a particular person, Movie Quiz shows a variety of characters built out of the classic bricks. The LEGO movie characters are not named, but some are pretty easy to guess. From Where The Wild Things Are to Braveheart, a wide range of roles are represented.
Trend Themes
1. Block-based Films - The trend of creating whole characters from toy blocks can open up the market for more block-based films.
2. Block-based Gaming - The use of a wide range of roles in Movie Quiz demonstrates the potential demand for new games built around block-based film characters.
3. Customizable Figurines - The popularity of creating Little People representations of celebrities can be expanded by allowing for the construction of more personalized LEGO figurines.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - With more block-based films and customizable figurines, the toy industry has a chance to expand their product offerings.
2. Film Industry - Block-Based films could provide a low-cost, yet high-quality, alternative to traditional actors and scenery - allowing for newer filmmakers an opportunity for artistic expression and profitability.
3. Gaming Industry - The attention of Rickard Frisegård's Movie Quiz and its representation of brick-based film characters could inspire a range of new gaming concepts.

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