Lego Flame Thrower

Lego Flame Thrower

A week ago we featured LEGO Ice Trays and the Top 5 LEGO Kits for Christmas. Well... The LEGO Flame Thrower one LEGO build that you won't find in the official handbook. It's also the one build you won't want your kid to make. The inventor revealed, "This homemade LEGO flamethrower is completely built with LEGO toy building bricks. Only thing not LEGO is a piece of string and a refill bottle of butane gas which is commonly used in butane lighters and can be bought in almost any supermarket or grocery store."
Trend Themes
1. Lego Flame Thrower - The DIY Lego flamethrower demonstrates the trend of unconventional and potentially dangerous use of Lego bricks.
2. Toy Hacking - The Lego flame thrower exemplifies the trend of individuals hacking and modifying toys for alternative purposes.
3. Unofficial Lego Builds - Unofficial creations like the Lego flamethrower highlight the trend of enthusiasts creating unique and unexpected Lego constructions.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Toy manufacturers could explore the opportunity of creating educational sets on toy safety and responsible building, considering the emergence of unconventional Lego designs.
2. Safety and Regulations - The Lego flame thrower incident raises a need for safety and regulation enforcement, providing an opportunity for organizations specializing in safety standards to address potential risks associated with modified toys.
3. DIY and Maker Community - The Lego flamethrower fuels the potential for DIY enthusiasts and the maker community to collaborate on alternative Lego designs and projects.

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