Building Block Heels

Finn Stone's Limited Edition LEG-GO Stilettos Are Colorful and Playful

I know some ladies who grew up playing with LEGO just as much as men, but now that they are all grown up they might need an excuse to continue to appreciate these iconic building blocks, with the LEG-GO Stilettos as the best bet. These silly, yet stylish stilettos combine the love of the geeky pastime with a love of couture kicks.

Created by artist Finn Stone, the LEG-GO Stilettos will be part of his Spring 2011 collection. An extremely limited-edition design, the LEG-GO Stilettoes features in the gallery are one of only 12 in existence. Having recently been exhibited in galleries around London, these shoes are sure to have you acting fast before all of them are snatched up.

The LEG-GO Stilettos are currently available for purchase hrough Byard Art, an art gallery based in Cambridge.
Trend Themes
1. Building Block Heels - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore collaborations between fashion designers and toy manufacturers to create playful and unique footwear designs.
2. Limited Edition Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with limited edition releases of fashion items to create exclusivity and drive consumer demand.
3. Art-inspired Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine art and fashion to create unique and collectible pieces that appeal to both art enthusiasts and fashion lovers.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce innovative materials and design techniques to create unconventional shoe styles and enhance customer experience.
2. Toy Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with fashion brands to incorporate toy-inspired elements into apparel and accessories, creating a new niche market.
3. Art Galleries - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Expand product offerings by featuring and selling limited-edition fashion items that are inspired by artworks showcased in the gallery.

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