International Hologram Calls

Korean Telecom and Verizon Used a 5G Network to Send Live Holograms

Holograms still feel like the quarry of science fiction rather than a real world technology, but with the budding potential of 5G networks, Korean Telecoms and Verizon have teamed up to bring the futuristic form of communication into the present. In a demonstration of the power of both 5G infrastructure and modern hardware, employees stationed across the world held a live conversation with one another via holograms.

Though projected holograms, like the kind that 'Star Wars' fan might be familiar with, aren't currently possible, the call made use of specially developed devices that KT and Verizon both hope to bring to consumers in the near future. The 3D holograms appear on screen, giving off the illusion of depth.
Trend Themes
1. 5G Networks - The use of 5G networks enables the development of live holographic communication.
2. Holographic Technology - Advancements in hardware and infrastructure are making holographic communication a reality.
3. Global Collaboration - Live holographic calls allow employees stationed across the world to have face-to-face conversations.
Industry Implications
1. Telecommunications - Telecom companies like Korean Telecoms and Verizon are pioneering live holographic communication through 5G networks.
2. Hardware Development - The development of 3D holographic devices opens up opportunities for hardware manufacturers.
3. Communication Technology - The integration of 5G networks and holographic technology is disrupting the way people communicate.

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