Digital Photo Locket + Camera = The Kodak 1881

Digital Photo Locket + Camera = The Kodak 1881

Photo lockets were once precious, often passed on through generations. Now Kodak has taken the photo locket one step further. No, two steps further. The new Kodak 1881 is high tech digital camera that you can wear as a traditional photo locket. When you open the locket you have a LCD display where you can view your favorite photos and use as a viewfinder for more precise shots. A truly need digital camera disguised as a low tech object referring to the heritage and value of heirloom objects.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Wearable Cameras - The demand for wearable cameras has been increasing, and new products can serve as a digital alternative to traditional objects.
2. Discreet Digital Cameras - Cameras that look like everyday objects, like lockets, can offer new forms of privacy and convenience.
3. Personalized Photo Technology - The ability to quickly view and display personalized photos for sentimental or practical purposes is becoming more prevalent.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Companies that produce digital cameras, wearable technology, and other personal electronics have opportunities to create unique and innovative products.
2. Jewelry - Jewelry companies could explore new markets by incorporating technology into their product offerings.
3. Gifts and Souvenirs - Personalized photo technology, such as the Kodak 1881, could serve as unique and sentimental gifts or souvenirs for consumers.

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