Back in the day, Trend Hunter/AdSense money let me upgrade the quality of my cigars. Now I'm able to upgrade my vacations. But if I ever wanted to kick the cigars, this invention would help.
It's a fake electronic cigar that contains real nicotine and tastes like Cuban tobacco. The cigar puffs out harmless tobacco-scented vapor in place of harmful smoke and is good for over 600 puffs.
Implications - North Americans have become increasingly health-conscious with the release of new medical studies illuminating the various problems of its citizenry. As such, consumers are now looking for products which will better their physical health. Corporations may capitalize on this new consumer purchasing behavior by incorporating design elements which are beneficial to consumers' health, no matter how minuscule that benefit is.
Smoke-Free Smoking
Electronic Fake Cigars Add Nicotine, Subtract Smoke
Trend Themes
1. Smoke-free Products - The rising health-consciousness of North Americans creates opportunities for corporations to develop and market smoke-free alternatives to traditional tobacco products.
2. Nicotine Replacements - The growing demand for healthier alternatives to smoking tobacco opens up opportunities for corporations to produce and distribute products like electronic fake cigars that contain real nicotine.
3. Health-enhancing Designs - Designing products with health benefits, even if minuscule, can provide disruptive innovation opportunities for businesses seeking to meet the demands of North American consumers who are looking for products that improve their physical health.
Industry Implications
1. Tobacco - Tobacco industries could consider incorporating smoke-free products into their product portfolio in order to capitalize on the growing demand for health-conscious products.
2. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies could consider developing nicotine replacement products for consumers who want to quit smoking without giving up the pleasure of nicotine.
3. Design - Design firms and creative agencies could capitalize on this trend by creating products with health-enhancing features and capabilities.