Ethereal Portraits

Jonathan Waiter Shows an Imperfect Perspective on Photography

New York City-based Jonathan Waiter is a fashion photographer with an eye for beautiful people. Having said that, Waiter captures models and near-perfect bodies with a perspective that's drenched in imperfection. Many of his portraits feature bare-faced models with closed eyes, messy hair and insolent frowns.

Implications - The composition of Jonathan Waiter's photos are incredible and to me they seem to echo the chereography of contemporary dance. These photos would work equally well in the home, office, or a gallery setting.

Check out the gallery to view some of Jonathan Waiter's work and an adorable piece from his video diary called 'Aida & Ieva SeeLike.Me.'
Trend Themes
1. Imperfect Perspective - The use of imperfection in photography creates a unique and captivating visual experience.
2. Bare-faced Beauty - The trend of featuring models with minimal makeup and natural appearances challenges traditional beauty standards.
3. Expressive Portraits - Photography that captures the raw emotions and personality of the subject offers a fresh perspective on portraiture.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can embrace imperfection and natural beauty to showcase diverse beauty standards.
2. Art - The art industry can explore the use of imperfect perspectives and expressive portraits to create thought-provoking and emotional artworks.
3. Home Decor - The home decor industry can incorporate imperfect perspective photography to add unique and visually intriguing artwork to living spaces.

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