Jewelry on Skeletons

Morbid Way to Sell That 'Diamonds are Forever'

Jewelry on skeletons? As an ad? Yes, indeed.

The imagery from a strong advert is meant to make you stop dead in your tracks and this certainly does that trick. This is not your average jewelery advertisement.

I think the creative director, Fabrice Frere, has really pulled out all the stops here. The idea of putting real jewels on real skeletons is morbid, which gets attention.

Imagine the designer's need to look at the detail in the skeletons to make sure they looked right for the ad? Freaky.
Trend Themes
1. Morbid Advertising - Opportunity for businesses to create attention-grabbing and provocative advertisements using morbid imagery.
2. Unconventional Marketing - Opportunity to use unconventional methods, such as putting real jewelry on skeletons, to capture consumer attention and differentiate from competitors.
3. Attention-driven Design - Opportunity to focus on intricate and detailed design elements that attract and engage consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - Disruptive innovation opportunity for jewelry brands to create impactful and avant-garde marketing campaigns.
2. Advertising - Opportunity for advertising agencies to offer unique and attention-grabbing concepts that push the boundaries of traditional advertising.
3. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to explore unconventional and edgy marketing strategies that resonate with the target audience.

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