Instrument-Inspired Necklaces

Jen Murse Crafts a Keyboard Pendant as Detailed as the Real Thing

The fashion industry is one rife with innovation, and Jen Murse proves that point with her stunning keyboard necklace. As displayed on her Etsy store, this instrument-inspired pendant perfectly emulates the look of a real synthesizer, despite its miniature size. It’s made from acrylic materials and is attached to a chain that’s 18" gold plated. As far as fashion accessories go, it may be a little unorthodox, but it’ll definitely make a bold statement.

Jen Murse herself runs an online shop called plastique*. She’s based in Los Angeles and is an avante garde jewelry-producing maven. If you think this keyboard necklace is pushing the limits of what accessories can be, wait until you check out the other eccentric pieces in her eclectic store.
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Fashion Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the creation of miniature versions of everyday objects as unique fashion accessories.
2. Avant Garde Jewelry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embrace unconventional and boundary-pushing designs in the jewelry industry to cater to a niche market segment.
3. Etsy as a Platform for Unique Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize online marketplaces like Etsy to showcase and sell unique and innovative fashion accessories to a global audience.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce innovative accessories that blur the line between fashion and everyday objects.
2. Jewelry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with avant-garde designs and materials in the jewelry industry to attract a fashion-forward consumer base.
3. Online Marketplaces - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leverage the reach and accessibility of online platforms like Etsy to promote and sell unique fashion creations to a global customer base.

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