Touch-Screen Vanity

The Interactive Mirror

This touch-capable mirror will not only let you draw on your reflection, but it will also let you call up and read digital text (perhaps newspapers and weather one day) or play games. It’ll sure make brushing your teeth in the morning more fun if the idea takes off!

Alpay Kasal, of Lit Studios, and Sam Ewen, of Interference Inc., have a patent pending on their invention. According to Kasal and Ewen, the mirror uses proximity sensors, gesturing, and both nearfield and farfield infrared.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Mirrors - Opportunity for integrating touch-capable mirrors with various digital functionalities such as drawing, reading, and gaming.
2. Smart Home Gadgets - Potential for incorporating touch-screen mirrors into the ecosystem of connected devices and home automation systems.
3. Augmented Reality Interfaces - Possibility of utilizing touch-capable mirrors as a platform for interactive augmented reality experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity for offering touch-screen mirrors as a modern and interactive feature in interior design projects.
2. Home Electronics - Emerging market for touch-capable mirrors as a unique and appealing addition to the range of smart home electronics.
3. Retail Technology - Potential application of touch-screen mirrors in retail environments to offer interactive shopping experiences and personalized product recommendations.

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