High-Capacity Low-Latency Storage Drives

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The Innodisk Edge AI SSD Drives Come in Two Options

The Innodisk Edge AI SSD drives are a new line of storage drives with high-capacity and low-latency in mind to support the modern needs of today's users. The drives include the 2.5-inch SATA 3TS6-p, 3TS9 and the M.2 (P80) 4TS2-P, which each support high drive writes per day (DWPD) with large capacities ready to handle present and future data needs. The drives are ideal for smart city, retail, fleet management and NAS network storage uses, which follows on research on the needs of future segments.

The brand spoke further on the need for the Innodisk Edge AI SSD drives saying, "Research suggests that the edge data center market is expected to reach a compound annual growth rate of 24.58% between 2020 and 2028. With the rapid development of AI, IoT, and 5G, data utilization has shifted from cloud to edge applications, driving the demand for edge servers and edge data centers. Innodisk is ready to roll out edge server market solutions and open up new business opportunities."
Trend Themes
1. Edge Data Center Market Growth - The growing demand for edge servers and edge data centers to support AI, IoT, and 5G presents an opportunity for businesses to provide innovative solutions in this emerging market.
2. High-capacity Low-latency Storage Technology - Developing new storage technology with high-capacity and low-latency can provide innovative solutions for various industries, such as smart cities, retail, and fleet management.
3. Shift From Cloud to Edge Applications - As data utilization shifts from cloud to edge applications, businesses can capitalize on this trend by providing edge server market solutions and opening up new business opportunities.
Industry Implications
1. Data Storage - The high-capacity and low-latency edge AI SSD drives present an opportunity for businesses in the data storage industry to innovate and meet the growing demands of the edge data center market.
2. Smart Cities - The Innodisk Edge AI SSD drives can support the needs of smart city technologies, such as traffic management and security systems, by providing efficient and reliable data storage solutions.
3. Fleet Management - Developing high-capacity and low-latency storage technology can benefit the fleet management industry by providing an innovative solution for data storage needs in vehicles.

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