Electrifying Environmentally Friendly Supercars

The Infinity Emerg-E Hybrid is Stunning

The Infinity Emerg-E hybrid car is challenging notions of how an environmentally conscious electric car performs -- and more so, what it looks like.

Although a great deal of hybrid cars are rolling out, some of which are making strides in terms of design aesthetic, the vehicles are not typically that sleek in appearance. Infinity's version, however, spares no expense in terms of luxury and the streamlined, high-tech vehicle exudes the confidence of a muscle car with the emission-crushing power of a hybrid.

The sleek, silver vehicle features two electric motors and a backup three-cylinder engine for when the lithium power runs out and one has to switch back to traditional fuel.

It offers about 30 miles of emissions-free driving, which is not overly impressive unless one pairs that with the vehicle's ability to gun it to 60 mph in four seconds.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Electric Cars - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop luxury electric cars that offer both high-performance and sleek design.
2. Hybrid Supercars - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create hybrid supercars that combine the power of traditional fuel with the environmental benefits of electric motors.
3. High-performance Electric Motors - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Advance electric motor technology to achieve high-performance acceleration in electric cars.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Transform the automotive industry by developing environmentally friendly supercars that rival traditional muscle cars.
2. Luxury Goods - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Merge luxury and sustainability in the production of high-end electric vehicles.
3. Energy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore innovative ways to improve the range and power of electric motors used in hybrid and electric vehicles.

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