Modernized Acoustic Guitars

The Infinitum Guitar Improves Sound Through Clever Design

Guitars have remained mostly unchanged since their creation in the 1850s, but Maxwell Custom has decided to innovate the incredibly popular instrument in its Infinitum guitar. Taking on the basic shape of a guitar, this modern offering at first glance looks like a basic acoustic guitar. However, the Infinitum guitar lacks a sound-hole and instead features four vents on the front and back that allow sound to emanate outwards. This design element isn't purely aesthetic, as it more naturally projects sound forward in front of the instrument.

The second innovation featured on the Infinitum guitar lies in its absence of a bridge. Instead, the Maxwell Custome instrument integrates the bridge onto the body through small, precise cutouts in the wood. This allows the vibrations of the strings to pass into the echo chamber inside the body more effectively, allowing the music to be louder and clearer.
Trend Themes
1. Modernized Acoustic Guitars - The trend of modernizing acoustic guitars through innovative design elements such as alternative sound projection and integrated bridge systems.
Industry Implications
1. Musical Instruments Manufacturing - The musical instruments manufacturing industry can explore opportunities to create and market modernized acoustic guitars with enhanced sound projection and improved structural design.
2. Music Education - Music education industry can embrace modernized acoustic guitars as teaching tools to enhance the learning experience and explore new sound possibilities.
3. Live Music Performance - The live music performance industry can benefit from modernized acoustic guitars that improve sound projection and clarity, enhancing the overall performance experience.

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