Offline Deforestation-Determining Apps

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The Forest Watcher App Alerts Rangers to Illegal Logging

This app was designed to work offline in remote areas without or with low Internet connectivity in order to aid forest rangers. From Global Forest Watch, the Forest Watcher app helps inform rangers of illegal logging and mining activity in Kibale National Park in Uganda. Using satellite data, the mobile application also lets them record their findings, even in the remote jungle atmosphere.

With an intention to bring "the dynamic online forest monitoring and alert systems of Global Forest Watch offline and into the field," Forest Watcher enables rangers to track problematic areas, be notified of fires and deforestation, navigate to areas of investigation and collect relevant details. All of this can be done even without being connected to the Internet.
Trend Themes
1. Offline Forest Monitoring - Opportunity for developing offline monitoring apps to support forest rangers in remote areas with limited internet connectivity.
2. Illegal Logging Detection - Disruptive innovation opportunity in creating apps that use satellite data to alert forest rangers of illegal logging activities.
3. Field Data Collection - Potential for developing mobile applications that allow forest rangers to record and collect relevant details in remote jungle areas, even without internet access.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Conservation - Opportunity for the environmental conservation industry to leverage technology and develop offline forest monitoring apps for rangers.
2. Satellite Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity in the satellite technology industry to create apps that utilize satellite data for detecting illegal logging activities in remote areas.
3. Mobile App Development - Potential for the mobile app development industry to create solutions for field data collection in challenging environments, such as remote jungles.

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