Buttermilk-Infused Baking Spreads

The I Can’t Believe It’s Even Butterier Gold Spread is Tasty

The I Can’t Believe It’s Even Butterier Gold spread has been released by Upfield as a premium option for consumers who are looking for a versatile option that suits the needs of their favorite recipes. Made with buttermilk, the spread is reported to have a consistency and taste that is as close to butter as possible to make it applicable for use in baking. The spread has been launched alongside the revamped original I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and features a low price point to make it accessible by consumers with varying budgets.

The I Can’t Believe It’s Even Butterier Gold features a bright branding identity that will be instantly recognized by shoppers in the grocery aisle.
Trend Themes
1. Buttermilk-infused Baking Spreads - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of different infused spreads for baking recipes, creating unique and flavorful options for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new, innovative butter alternatives using natural ingredients to cater to health-conscious consumers.
2. Packaged Foods - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce premium baking spreads with enhanced flavors and versatile applications to target the growing demand for convenient and high-quality ingredients.
3. Grocery Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Capitalize on the rising trend of innovative butter alternatives by offering a wide range of infused spreads to cater to varying consumer preferences and budgets.

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