Flickr Documentaries

Hurricane Gustav

With the National Hurricane Center declaring Hurricane Gustav a category 4 storm, people have turned to flickr to document their experiences.

A few groups have been created where members can post images they take of the preparations for Hurricane Gustav and the destruction it leaves behind.

Recently, flickr has become an important resource that brings a new perspective into news. It comes directly from the people who are experiencing and living the news.

Implications - Advanced methods of technology allow consumers to interact quickly with each other and to obtain information efficiently. These consumers seek sites or programs which will make information transactions like this easier. Companies can develop software or websites that promote interaction and discussion within communities to appeal to tech-savvy consumers.
Trend Themes
1. User-generated Content - Opportunity for companies to harness the power of user-generated content to provide a fresh and authentic perspective in news coverage.
2. Crowdsourced Journalism - Disruption opportunity in the journalism industry by leveraging crowd contributions for real-time coverage and eyewitness documentation.
3. Social Media News Reporting - Innovation potential in the development of platforms that facilitate real-time news reporting through social media channels like Flickr.
Industry Implications
1. News and Media - Introduction of new methods and platforms that incorporate user-generated content can disrupt traditional news reporting and enhance news coverage.
2. Technology and Software - Emergence of software and tools that enable user interaction and community discussion can drive innovation in information sharing and communication.
3. Journalism and Reporting - Adoption of crowdsourced journalism approaches can revolutionize the way news is gathered, verified, and shared.

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