Seed-Covered Slippers

The Hummus Sandals are Completely Covered in Scrumptious Chickpeas

Food used in inedible ways can make for some intriguing art; these Hummus Sandals are no exception. It might look as though Nilly Mozer of Exact Design took a pair of standard flip-flops and glued garbanzos to it; however, you'll find that the production of the footwear must have been a little more involved.

Look closely at the thong-shaped components and you'll notice that light passes through them. The Hummus Sandals are actually the product of plenty of chickpeas clustered and glued together, forming the entirety of the shoe sole shapes. The indigo-colored plastic straps were likely taken from regular flip-flops, before the leguminous seeds were arranged fixed right around them.

One would assume that the Hummus Sandals are too fragile to wear, but wouldn't they give your feet a nice massage?
Trend Themes
1. Food Art - Exploring the use of food in unconventional ways can create unique artistic expressions.
2. Sustainable Footwear - Incorporating organic materials into footwear designs can promote eco-friendly and innovative products.
3. Edible Fashion - Combining food and fashion can lead to playful and whimsical designs that challenge traditional notions of wearability.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can explore the use of food as a medium for creating innovative and thought-provoking works.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry can incorporate organic and unconventional materials into their designs to create sustainable and unique footwear options.
3. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can leverage food-themed fashion as a fun and interactive element in events or branding initiatives.

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