Understated Luxe Modern Apartments

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Renesa Designs the House of Gond for Monica Gaur

Architecture studio Renesa works to capture modern details with references to historical Indian homes in the form of the House of Gond residence. This is designed for fashion designer Monica Gaur who shares a passion for traditional crafts and architecture. The apartment is in Pune, which is an urban location and so the team wanted to capture the typical charm of Kerala bungalows, which are also known as 'nalukettus.'

The architect speaks about the design, noting that "The play of proportion superimposed with heavy carvings and woodwork form the backbone of this house." It continues to explain that the design works to "blend traditional Indian aesthetics with a contemporary approach to create an understated luxurious living space."
Trend Themes
1. Fusion Home Design - Blending traditional Indian aesthetics with modern elements to create nuanced and sophisticated living spaces.
2. Historical Craftsmanship - Incorporating historical craftsmanship and heavy carvings into urban residences presents unique architectural expressions.
3. Understated Luxury - Designing luxurious living spaces that emphasize subtle elegance rather than ostentatious decor.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Innovating in interior design by combining historical influences with contemporary aesthetics.
2. Urban Architecture - Transforming urban living with architectural designs that integrate traditional cultural elements.
3. Luxury Real Estate - Developing high-end real estate that focuses on understated luxurious details and historical charm.

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