Raw Concrete Industrial Homes

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Studio Cochi Architects Designs the House in Nishizaki

Architecture firm Studio Cochi Architects created the House in Nishizaki located in Japan. The home is defined by its thick walls of raw concrete materials that buffer the interior from the city's bustling surroundings. The clients were looking for an 'urban oasis' that would also offer protection from neighbors along the dense site. To ensure that, the team used skylights for natural lighting and privacy.

The studio speaks to Dezeen about the project, noting "The client's primary request was for their own urban oasis – to live without a line of sight from the surrounding area, as well as allowing as much natural light and air flow as possible. The north of the home is zoned residential area, while a commercial area stretches south across a large highway. In such an environment, the challenge was to maintain distance from the city's chaos and to ensure a comfortable indoor environment."
Trend Themes
1. Raw Concrete Aesthetic - Emphasizing unfinished raw concrete materials provides homes with a minimalist and industrial look, which creates a unique, urban sanctuary.
2. Urban Private Retreats - Creating private living spaces within dense urban environments caters to the growing demand for residential sanctuaries amid city bustle.
3. Natural-light Optimization - Utilizing skylights to enhance natural lighting while maintaining privacy offers a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing solution to urban living.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Incorporating raw concrete and innovative designs caters to the modern aesthetic preferences of urban dwellers seeking minimalist yet functional homes.
2. Real Estate Development - Developing properties that blend privacy and urban proximity can attract those looking for peaceful living spaces without leaving the city.
3. Sustainable Building Materials - Promoting the use of raw concrete and other sustainable materials in residential construction addresses the rising focus on eco-friendly living solutions.

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