Stylish Scroll-Inspired Printers

The Elite Printer Marries Design with Home Printing Technology

It could be argued that some users have chosen to forego home printing technology because of how unsightly the majority of printers look. The Elite Printer aims to change this by featuring a design that's upright and intended to be a pleasant focal point rather than something to hide under a desk.

Designed by Alex Bernstain, the Elite Printer features a design that's inspired by the aesthetic and shape of a scroll. The unit hides the printer head in the top portion and feeds the paper upward to perform the printing action. When the job is done, the finished product lands vertically to put the document on display.

The Elite Printer identifies how home printing could be made to be more design-conscious and effectively bring the technology back into homes that have lost it.
Trend Themes
1. Home Printer Design - Printers designed to be a home decor item and not something to hide away focuses on integrating design and functionality.
2. Vertical Printing - A printer that completely rethinks the layout for printing offers disruptive innovation possibilities.
3. Document Display - A printer with a built-in display position to show off the finished product gives rise to further innovation possibilities.
Industry Implications
1. Printing Industry - The industry can benefit from innovating home printers to be more stylish and appealing to customers.
2. Interior Design Industry - The industry can work with printing companies to integrate printers into a room's design and aesthetics.
3. Technology Industry - The industry can explore ways to create products that rethink traditional device layouts for more efficiency and design appeal, such as the Elite Printer.

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