Minimalist Manual Espresso Makers

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The Newton Brua Home Espresso Maker Achieves a Smooth Crema

Pulling the perfect shot of espresso from home has become a must-have amongst cafe aficionados looking to recreate their favor coffeehouse beverages, so the Newton Brua home espresso maker is here to help accommodate this.

The espresso coffee maker features a manual operation that works by having your choice of up to 17-grams of fine grind espresso placed inside before adding in hot water. The unit then requires users to pull down the lever and use their sense of feel to achieve the perfect results.

The Newton Brua home espresso maker is constructed using aluminum for the body and piston, and has a powder-coated steel tubular frame for enhanced durability. Priced at $499, the espresso make is suited for home use but is also lightweight enough to be used when camping.
Trend Themes
1. Manual Espresso Maker Trend - With the rise of demand for home espresso making, manual espresso makers are becoming more popular as consumers seek a more hands-on coffee experience.
2. Minimalist Design Trend - Minimalistic designs are becoming increasingly common in consumer products due to the desire for simplicity and functionality.
3. Portable Coffee Maker Trend - Portable coffee makers are in high demand as consumers seek to enjoy their favorite beverages on the go.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchen Appliance Industry - The kitchen appliance industry can capitalize on the manual espresso maker trend by creating more innovative and user-friendly designs that cater to customers' desire to create their own espresso drinks at home.
2. Outdoor and Camping Industry - The outdoor and camping industry can take advantage of the portable coffee maker trend by creating more lightweight and durable products that allow consumers to enjoy high-quality coffee even in the great outdoors.
3. Design Industry - The design industry can capitalize on the minimalist design trend by creating products that prioritize functionality and simplicity without sacrificing style.

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