Following the launch of its "soft-block" feature, Twitter recently announced a new update that allows users to toggle between two different modes of their timeline -- home and the latest tweets. "Latest tweets, as the name itself suggests, show a Twitter user the latest tweets as they happen, whereas "home" tweets show users the top tweets among accounts and topics they have followed."
Prior to the update, users would need to switch between the two modes through a star option in the corner, however, now users will have the two feeds in separate tabs. The new feature is now available on iOS phones and is set to hit Android and the web in the coming weeks.
Social Media Feature Updates
Twitter Uses Can Now Toggle Between Home and Latest Tweets
Trend Themes
1. Home Vs Latest Tweets - Developing an AI algorithm to help users sort better between their Home feed and Latest Tweets could make tweeting easier and more efficient for Twitter's users.
2. Tabbed Social Media Platforms - More social media applications could introduce tabbed features that allow users to switch easily between different feeds, effectively improving user experience while potentially increasing ad revenue streams.
3. Personalized Social Media - A personalized social media dashboard tailored to a user's unique preferences and browsing habits could make social media platforms more attractive to advertisers while providing a more efficient way for users to consume information.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - The social media industry could develop software and features that incorporate the ability to switch between different feeds or tabs, improving user experience while promoting more efficient use of resources like data and ad inventory.
2. Artificial Intelligence - Artificial intelligence could be used to analyze user preferences and browsing habits to create personalized social media dashboards, thereby reducing clutter and increasing engagement.
3. Mobile Technology - Developing better ways for users to access different feeds and modes on mobile devices could make social media platforms more versatile and user-friendly, potentially opening up new revenue streams for mobile devices and networks.