Gamified Psychometric Assessments

Talent Litmus Boasts Games for High-Performance Organizations

Talent Litmus is a tool that helps high-performance organizations maintain a high standard and even improve efficiency in workflow. Grounded in a proprietary artificial intelligence-backed algorithm that is strengthened by psychology and data sciences, the platform prioritizes gamification through a "45-minute gameplay [that] captures more than 5,000 data points to build a detailed map of the candidate’s personality, attitude and cognitive abilities."

This data is later assessed to predict the candidate's likelihood of success in a given role within the high-performing organization, what will motivate him/her/them to do better in the workplace, as well as provide insight into managerial abilities, leadership style, and behavior under stress.

In addition, the company is also building engaging games for learning and corporate training.
Trend Themes
1. Gamified Psychometric Assessments - Psychometric assessments that use gamification as a tool to capture data points related to personality, attitude and cognitive abilities.
2. Artificial Intelligence-backed Algorithms - The use of proprietary artificial intelligence-backed algorithms in talent assessment to predict job success and provide insight into managerial abilities, leadership style, and behavior under stress.
3. Games for Learning and Corporate Training - Engaging games developed for learning and corporate training to retain personnel and assist in their professional development.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Opportunity for HR professionals to use talent assessment tools to select the best candidate and reduce employee turnover.
2. Psychometric Testing - Opportunity to disrupt the traditional psychometric testing industry by introducing innovative methods such as gamification to assess personality traits and cognitive abilities.
3. Edtech - Opportunity for digital learning platforms to adopt gamification to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

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