Smoky Bacon-Flavored Spirits

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The Heritage Distilling Co. Bacon Vodka Has a 30% ABV

The Heritage Distilling Co. Bacon Vodka is a smoky spirit created for those who simply can't get enough of the namesake breakfast food or who are seeking out a way to enhance their cocktails with an unexpected flavor. The distilled vodka is characterized by its rich imitation bacon aroma along with a salty finish that's also a touch sweet. This profile makes the spirit perfect for enjoyment in a premium cocktail or even on the rocks to allow the spirit to really be enjoyed on its own.

The Heritage Distilling Co. Bacon Vodka has a 30% ABV, and is free from artificial sweeteners and artificial colors. The spirit is the winner of the Silver Medal from the American Distilling Institute 2019.
Trend Themes
1. Bacon-flavored Spirits - Opportunity for distilleries to create unique and unexpected flavor profiles for spirits or cocktails.
2. Savory Cocktail Ingredients - Trend towards savory ingredients in cocktails could lead to innovative use of bacon flavor or other unconventional food-inspired spirits.
3. Alternative Liquor Flavors - Growing consumer demand for unique flavor profiles in spirits could drive the creation of alternative liquor flavors like bacon vodka.
Industry Implications
1. Distillery - Opportunities for distilleries to create new products and flavors that differentiate them from competitors and tap into the trend towards unconventional ingredients.
2. Cocktail Bar - Bars could capitalize on the trend towards savory ingredients in cocktails by incorporating bacon vodka into new and inventive drink recipes.
3. Food Industry - Food and beverage companies could explore the potential for expanding their product lines with innovative flavor profiles like bacon vodka or bacon-flavored alcohol.

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