Wind-Powered Towers

Helix Wind-Powered Mobile Towers Blow in Alternate Energy

Mobile phones have become such a staple in our lives that the thought of losing service is unbearable; hence the Helix Wind powered cell phone towers. Entering unreliable, expensive or nonexistent territories in the USA and Africa, the San Diego-based company will be introducing wind as an alternative energy source.

An ideal way to not only lower costs but to also establish service in some areas, the Helix Wind powered cell phone towers usher in a whole new future for the telecommunication sector. Hoping to have test sites installed in the US and West Africa by November, Helix Wind will deliver its first test turbines to Nigeria in late October. If these test sites are sucessful, hundreds of sites could pop up in a matter of a few years.
Trend Themes
1. Wind-powered Cell Phone Towers - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Expanding alternative energy sources for telecommunications infrastructure.
2. Lowering Costs - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implementing cost-effective solutions for establishing service in unreliable or expensive areas.
3. Telecommunications Sector Transformation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionizing the future of telecommunication through the adoption of wind-powered towers.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrating wind power in telecommunication infrastructure to promote sustainability.
2. Telecommunications - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovating the industry with wind-powered cell phone towers to improve coverage in underserved areas.
3. Infrastructure - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating a new market for wind-powered cell phone towers as a viable alternative to traditional tower solutions.

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