The characters from The Awkward Yeti, a comic based solely on the Internet, are so beloved that the creator behind them has decided to bring a couple to life: Heart and Brain. Taking on plush toy form, they can now join people's own personal adventures, weighing in as only these two organs can on reflections, feelings and more.
Of course, at the end of the day, the Heart and Brain plush toys are great souvenirs for die-hard fans of the webcomic. Created by Nick Seluk, the Heart and Brain plush toys have been part of a very successful Kickstarter campaign. With only a few days left to fund, it has already surpassed its $17,000 goal with over $30,000 raised. Those who have been particularly generous will also get an Awkward Yeti toy.
Webcomic Plush Toys
The Awkward Yeti's Heart and Brain is Brought to Life Thanks to Nick Seluk
Trend Themes
1. Webcomic Plush Toys - The trend of creating plush toys based on popular webcomics offers an opportunity for creators to deepen their connection with fans and generate additional revenue.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - The toy manufacturing industry can capitalize on the trend of webcomic plush toys by partnering with popular webcomic artists and creating licensed merchandise.
2. Crowdfunding - The success of the Kickstarter campaign for The Awkward Yeti's Heart and Brain plush toys showcases the potential for crowdfunding platforms to support the production of niche and fan-driven products.
3. Merchandising - Webcomics can expand their revenue streams by venturing into merchandising, as shown by the popularity of The Awkward Yeti plush toys among fans.