Folding Bicycle Helmets

The Headkayse Helmet Can Be Flattened To a Width of 5 Centimeters

The Headkayse is a multipurpose bicycle helmet that gets around pretty much every problem associated with bike helmets.

Bicycle helmets are a necessity for safety reasons, but a lot of people don't use them because they take up so much room when they're not actually being worn. The Headkayse helmet can be folded down to be very small and compact, but is also very comfortable to wear.

To fold up the helmet, users release a Velcro closure in the rear, pull out a 'tail' section and push the side sections into the middle. This causes the helmet to flatten by 70 percent down to a width of only 5 cm.

This bicycle helmet's foam is so flexible that it enables the helmet to easily conform to different head shapes and sizes, making this a great option for riders of all stripes. But ultimately, this bicycle helmet could save lives because it's appealing to those who usually shun head protection.
Trend Themes
1. Foldable Helmets - Developing helmets that can be flattened and folded can open up a new market for portable protective gear.
2. Flexible Foam Technology - Incorporating flexible foam technology in helmets can help them conform to different head sizes and shapes, making them more comfortable and safer to wear.
3. Compact Safety Gears - Designing safety gears that are compact and portable can attract more users who prioritize convenience without sacrificing safety.
Industry Implications
1. Sportswear Industry - The sportswear industry can benefit from the development of more portable and breathable safety gears that provide maximum protection without restricting movement.
2. Urban Commuting Industry - Developing foldable safety gears like helmets can appeal to urban commuters who are looking for convenient and portable protective equipment.
3. Outdoor Recreation Industry - Incorporating flexible foam technology in helmets and other safety gears can help improve comfort and safety for outdoor recreation enthusiasts, such as hikers and bikers.

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