The 'Happy Birthday Dog Poop Cake' really looks like a cake that is made out of poop. This cake is perfect for pranks or if your child has been a bad kid as of late, because this dessert will teach them a lesson. No worries though, this cake is made out of rubber and not real poop.
The cake measures in at 13 inches by 7 inches. With the 'Happy Birthday Dog Poop Cake' you'll be sure that whoever gets this cake will either love it or hate it.
Crappy Brown Desserts
The 'Happy Birthday Dog Poop Cake' Will Fool You
Trend Themes
1. Prank Cakes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore different designs and flavors of prank cakes to cater to the growing prank culture.
2. Gross-out Desserts - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with unconventional dessert designs and flavors to appeal to the market for novelty food products.
3. Fake-out Foods - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop food products that look like something else for the purpose of pranks or lessons in deception.
Industry Implications
1. Bakery & Confectionery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize unique and unconventional designs and flavors to create novelty cakes and desserts for special occasions.
2. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate prank culture and novelty food products into entertainment experiences, such as parties, events, and videos.
3. Education & Training - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use fake-out foods like the 'Happy Birthday Dog Poop Cake' to teach lessons in deception and critical thinking in educational and training settings.