Industrial Lakeside Cabins

This Cabin Features a Hand-Cranked Window Wall That Opens to the Lake

The Seattle-based design firm 'Olson Kundig' recently built a stunning lakeside home with a hand-cranked window wall. For some homeowners, looking out on a beautiful view is simply not enough. This window actually rolls up to create a seamless transition between the indoor and outdoor spaces.

'Chicken Point Cabin' is an industrial-style getaway located on the edge of a lake in Northern Idaho. The home is rectangular in shape and features a large 20' x 30' window at the front of the home. Unlike a regular window, this hand-cranked window wall can be raised to open the home up to the outdoors. The unique design helps to extend the home's main living area out onto the lakeside patio.

The home demonstrates one of the unique ways that designers can combine indoor and outdoor living.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Window Walls - Designers can explore automated and smart window walls that maximize the indoor and outdoor transition.
2. Reinventing Budget Vacation Homes - Designers can explore budget vacation home designs that allow renters to connect with their vacation destination.
3. Industrial Vacation Getaways - Designers can play with industrial-style vacation homes with a modern twist that offer stunning views and flexible layouts.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Real estate firms can explore innovative building designs that offer a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor living spaces.
2. Hospitality - Hospitality companies can reimagine vacation home rentals by incorporating flexible designs such as window walls that maximize space and offer stunning views.
3. Architecture - Architects can explore the possibilities of designing unique and innovative vacation homes that cater to modern demands and preferences.

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