These Halloween costume earrings are aware of every move you make. The earrings are made by 'GloomMatterOnEtsy' from Etsy using plastic, beads and nickel-free material.
Many of us owned or have seen the dolls that blink their eyes when they are not sitting up straight. 'GloomMatterOnEtsy' have taken the entire eye sockets out of one of these dolls and melded them into a pair of earrings. This means that the blinking eyes are still in tact and will blink when you bend over. The earrings are comfortable to wear and are freakishly fashionable.
The Halloween costume earrings use a set of blue eyed blinking doll's eyes that are placed into a sun-like shape with dangling blue beads to match. Whatever you decide to dress up as this Halloween, these earrings will be sure to be the scariest part of your outfit.
Blinking Eye Earrings
These Halloween Costume Earrings Act as an Extra Pair of Eyes
Trend Themes
1. Awareness Accessories - Incorporating awareness and monitoring technology into wearable accessories to create a unique and functional product.
2. Upcycled Fashion - Taking older toys and materials and creating fashionable and unique pieces.
3. Novelty Jewelry - Creating bold and unique jewelry pieces that stand out and spark conversation.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Accessories - There is an opportunity to incorporate technology into earrings and other accessories to create a functional product.
2. Toy Manufacturing - Creating unique products by repurposing old toys can become a creative niche in the toy manufacturing industry.
3. Artisan Jewelry - Creating unique and one-of-a-kind jewelry items can drive sales in the artisanal jewelry industry.