Suspended Seat Accessories

Grounded / Floating Earrings Allow Chairs to Interract with Ears

The usual relationship between a person and his chair involves one sitting down onto the object in question, but these Grounded/Floating earrings will make those who usually repose rethink the concept of a seat.

Exploring idea of duality, designer Vivian Chiu removes the four-legged movable from it's secure floor footing, only to suspend it from a chain and hang it several feet off of the ground. Luckily for the wearer, these stripped cane chairs are a fraction of their usual size and weight, measuring just 4 inches in height and made from painted brass.

Plato's chair takes a conventional from with a new function in these Grounded/Floating earrings, allowing design-minded fashionistas to sport a single dangling seat, or a succession of three connected.
Trend Themes
1. Suspended Seating - Designers are exploring the concept of suspending chairs and creating unique seating experiences.
2. Miniature Furniture - Designers are experimenting with creating miniature versions of traditional furniture, making them wearable accessories.
3. Dual Function Jewelry - Designers are creating jewelry pieces that serve a dual function, such as combining fashion with furniture.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The furniture design industry can explore new ways to create suspended seating experiences.
2. Fashion Accessories - The fashion accessories industry can incorporate miniature furniture as unique and eye-catching accessories.
3. Jewelry Design - The jewelry design industry can explore the concept of dual-function jewelry, combining fashion with functionality.

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