Greening Alaska

Will Sarah Palin Make Alaska a Leader in Renewable Energy?

Alaska has long been the leading producer of oil of the United States, but now the state may be taking a greener turn. Energy costs in Alaska are some of the most expensive in America, even though oil is so plentiful, and this puts a strain on the citizens.

As of December 2008, Alaska generated 24% of its electricity from renewable resources, mainly wind power. Governor Palin is trying to pass legislation to make Alaska generate 50% of its power from renewable resources. Many scientist claim this should not be a problem due to the natural conditions that exist in Alaska. The state contains an estimated 90% of the US wave power potential and is a perfect place for wind power. Alaska also boasts a lot of geothermal activity and thus potential for geothermal power as well.

If Palin’s desire to promote green energy succeeds, then Alaskans and the rest of America should see a huge influx in renewable energy from the United States biggest state.
Trend Themes
1. Renewable Energy - Opportunity for renewable energy sources to become more prevalent in Alaska as the state aims to generate 50% of its power from renewables.
2. Wind Power - Potential for wind power to thrive in Alaska, given the state's natural conditions and vast wind resources.
3. Geothermal Power - Opportunity for geothermal power to be utilized in Alaska, leveraging the state's abundance of geothermal activity.
Industry Implications
1. Energy - The energy industry in Alaska could be disrupted with the transition towards renewable energy sources.
2. Power Generation - The power generation industry in Alaska may experience opportunities for growth and innovation with the increased focus on renewable energy.
3. Renewable Resources - The renewable resources industry in Alaska has the potential to expand, given the state's extensive renewable energy potential.

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