Self-Driving Smart Cars

The Google Self-Driving Car Doesn't Have Breaks or a Steering Wheel

The Google self-driving car ingeniously functions without the need for a steering wheel, accelerator pedal or a brake pedal. How does this tiny smart car possibly operate then you might ask? This search engine car functions by using technologically savvy sensors and software.

The Google car is able to operate exclusively without any sort of human involvement. The car's savvy sensors allow the car to turn on and off with the touch of a button, function without blind spots and sense objects several feet away. The vehicle currently only seats two people.

While this Google self-driving car is only a prototype, I think it's safe to say we will be seeing Google vehicles for sale and on the road sometime in the near future. Photo Credits: designboom, google
Trend Themes
1. Self-driving Vehicles - The innovation opportunity in this trend is to explore how businesses can use self-driving vehicles to provide transportation services and to develop technologies and systems for controlling and navigating the vehicles remotely.
2. Autonomous Cars - The opportunity in this trend is to focus on developing software and hardware for autonomous cars that can detect and respond to unexpected obstacles and events, and ensuring that these systems are safe for passengers and other road users.
3. Connected Cars - The opportunity in this trend is to develop new technologies and software that connect autonomous cars with other vehicles and infrastructure, such as traffic lights and road signs, to enable more efficient and safer driving.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The self-driving vehicle trend presents opportunities for transportation companies to develop new business models and services, such as autonomous taxi fleets and delivery services.
2. Automotive - The autonomous car trend presents opportunities for automotive companies to develop self-driving technologies and to create new vehicle designs that are optimized for autonomous driving.
3. Technology - The connected car trend presents opportunities for technology companies to develop software and hardware that enable vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure, and to create platforms for managing and analyzing data generated by these vehicles.

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