Anti-Distraction Student Smartphone Features

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Google School Time Limits Features During Class

The Google School time feature was previously unveiled by the brand on a singular device, but now the brand is expanding its availability to help parents limit digital distractions for their children.

The announcement comes in a timely manner to coincide with the back-to-school season and will enable parents to set School time hours within the Family Link parental control app. This will set a dedicated home page with limited notifications and limiting the apps available to the ones approved by parents. Users will also only receive calls and texts from select individuals with the option to make an emergency call also available.

The Google School time feature could help to keep kids focused and off their phones in the classroom to combat against distractions.
Trend Themes
1. Parental-control Tech - Innovations allowing parents to manage their children's screen time present an opportunity for new parental control applications.
2. Focus-enhancing Tools - Gadgets and software designed to minimize distractions can reshape how students engage with education.
3. Customization in Education Tech - Personalized technology solutions that adjust functionality based on time or activity can enhance educational outcomes.
Industry Implications
1. Edtech - Education technology can benefit from tools that provide a more controlled and focused learning environment.
2. Mobile Technology - The mobile tech industry can explore features that restrict usage to improve productivity and mental health.
3. Parental Tech - Companies focusing on parental technology can innovate with advanced tools to monitor and limit children's device usage effectively.

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