Emergency Education Sites

Google Crisis Preparedness Website Teaches How to Use Tech During Crises

During an emergency or crisis, your first thought may be to search for news about the crisis online. Recognizing this, Google has created the Google Crisis Preparedness site, which provides information and education on emergency situations as well as how to use technology for crisis preparation.

The Google Crisis Preparedness site offers information on how you can use Google tools, such as Google Docs, My Maps and Google Earth, in the event of a crisis. The site also features stories and personal accounts from people who have overcome major crises, such as the Japanese earthquake and the Missouri tornadoes. Further, a section of the site is dedicated to ‘Get Tech Ready,’ an initiative created in cooperation with the American Red Cross, FEMA and the Ad Council, which helps visitors find tips on how to prepare, adapt and recover from disasters using technology.
Trend Themes
1. Crisis Management Tools - Developing tools or platforms that can be used during emergencies to assist in crisis management situations.
2. Tech-based Disaster Preparedness - Creating and promoting technology-based disaster preparedness plans that could be used by individuals, businesses, and organizations.
3. Personalized Crisis Stories - Developing platforms that allow people who have experienced natural disasters to share their personal crisis stories to help others better prepare and manage during similar situations.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Creating crisis management tools and applications that can be integrated into existing technologies.
2. Education - Developing curriculums that teach individuals and businesses best practices for disaster preparedness that include using technology.
3. Non-profit - Collaborating with organizations like the American Red Cross and FEMA to create disaster preparedness plans and coordinate aid efforts during emergencies.

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