U-Works collaborated with Sunrise to produce a limited run of 24K gold Gundam statues based on three iconic Gundam suits. The statues are designed after mechanized battle suits from the iconic Japanese anime series Gundam, which defined the 'mecha' genre. Of the three gold Gundam statues, the RX-78-2 Gundam Beam Rifle and Char's Zaku are tied in price at $240,822 and measure 180mm and 178mm, respectively. The RX-78-2 standard version is slightly smaller and lighter than the Beam Rifle version and is priced at $36,111.
The gold Gundam statues are limited-edition collector's items and appeal to fans of the classic anime. The luxurious golden finish is sure to be an eye-catching aspect on any display shelf. All of the gold Gundam statues come with storage boxes and display cases.
Solid Gold Robot Statues
U-Works' Gold Gundam Statues are the Peak of Luxury Collectibles
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Collectibles - There is an opportunity for companies to create high-end limited-edition products to appeal to fans of classic franchises with expendable income, using glamorous materials.
2. Mecha Genre - There is an opportunity for companies to manufacture specially designed statues, figures, or toys representing segments of different genres, using expensive and luxurious materials.
3. Anime Merchandise - There is an opportunity for companies to collaborate with well-known anime studios to produce limited-edition collectibles, creating hype around the product, resulting in increased sales.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Goods Industry - The luxury goods industry can leverage their expertise to collaborate with well-known franchises to create high-end limited-edition products, targeting super fans, and increasing brand reputation and revenue.
2. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can collaborate with talented artists and designers to create premium versions of hugely popular movies, TV shows, and anime series, resulting in increased revenue.
3. Manufacturing Industry - Manufacturing companies can create premium high-quality versions of products to super fans of popular franchises, targeting affluent customers who are willing to pay more for limited editions, increasing the company’s revenue and profits.