Geeky Scented Candles

These Candles from ThinkGeek Will Encourage Geek Romance

These candles by ThinkGeek produce the ideal smells and aromas for geek romance in playrooms or lairs.

Some of the beloved dork fragrances produced by these candles include Retro Arcade, Space and Teen Spirit. One of the most impressive smells is the one titled Middle Earth. It is of curiosity how ThinkGeek went about obtaining this smell. Did they take the essence of New Zealand where Middle Earth was casted, or did they use detailed descriptions from the books to assume how to make it smell? I guess you'll just have to sniff and find out.

Each candle is sure to set the perfect mood and maybe even encourage geek romance. Middle Earth will make you feel like you're really there for your next Lord of the Rings marathon and Retro Arcade will fill your nostrils with pleasant nostalgia for gaming escapades.
Trend Themes
1. Geek Romance - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop scented products tailored to specific fandoms and geek interests.
2. Nostalgic Aromas - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create candles and scented products that evoke memories and nostalgia from different time periods or popular cultural references.
3. Experiential Fragrances - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design scents that provide immersive and multisensory experiences for users.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate unique scent options into home decor products, such as candles, diffusers, and air fresheners.
2. Fandom Merchandise - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Expand the market for fandom merchandise by creating scented products that cater to specific fan communities and interests.
3. Cosmetics and Personal Care - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce scented beauty and personal care products that offer unique and experiential fragrances to enhance consumer experiences.

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