Wearable Boomboxes

The Future Mobile Music Device Puts Your Heart on Your Sleeve

I am always intrigued by the fascinating new designs that spring up in the gadget world. Though some seem to exist halfway in the world of science fiction, the images drawn up by the artists never fail to captivate and make you hope that one day the technology to support these devices will exist. The Future Mobile Music Device is definitely one of these devices though, by the rate at which audio technology is moving now, I’m willing to bet something like this is only a year or two away from actually existing.

Designed by Mac Funamizu, the Future Mobile Music Device is a transparent Mp3 player that’s worn around the wrist. Of course it also doubles as a watch, although at first glance I would have guessed its second feature would have been a tele-porter not a timepiece.
Trend Themes
1. Wearable Audio - Opportunities for companies to create more intuitive wearable audio devices that take up less space and offer more functionality.
2. Transparent Design - The use of transparent materials in designing devices can offer new levels of aesthetics and functionality to tech products.
3. Multi-function Wearables - Development of wearable devices that offer more than one function or service can cater to the needs of consumers looking for streamlined devices that offer more bang for their buck.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics manufacturers have the opportunity to innovate in the wearable audio space and create devices that look and feel sleek while offering improved audio quality.
2. Fashion - Fashion designers can partner with tech companies to incorporate wearable audio devices into clothing to create new, dynamic fashion statements.
3. Fitness - Fitness and wellness companies can incorporate wearable audio devices into their offerings to provide motivation and additional functionality in the form of customizable playlists and coaching programs.

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